Here's $100 if you upgrade to a Windows 8 computer from XP by Kim Komando

I’ve been telling Windows XP users for months that you need to do something about that old machine.

Microsoft is going to stop doing security updates after April 8, and you’re going to be extremely vulnerable to hacks, malware and data theft if you keep using your old computer online.

As I’ve said before, many XP users may want to try to avoid Windows 8, which has been getting a lot of bad reviews, in favor of a Windows 7 machine. The Windows 7 interface is a lot more familiar to XP users. (For my story on good cheap alternatives, click here.)

In any case, though, you need to do something. If you’re ready to bite the bullet and get a Windows 8 machine, Microsoft is finally taking some substantive steps to make it easier.

This just in: a $100 credit toward a Windows 8 computer or one of the company’s top tablets. None of them is cheap; the $100 is good toward any that cost more than $599.

There’s also an older offer of $50 future credit in a Microsoft Store for XP upgraders.
It’s not clear exactly how the company is going to limit the offer to XP users; here’s the fine print:
Offer applies to customers who make online purchase(s) with a qualifying Windows XP device, or customer who present a qualifying Windows XP device during purchase(s) in-store only.

Microsoft’s full offer can be read here.

My advice on what the end of XP means to you can be read here.

More Windows XP advice from the Wall Street Journal can be read here.